Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Mira Bai a story of a devotee and the Beloved

A story about Love and spiritual devotion.

The story of Mira Bai the Bhakti devotee of Krishna
followed by bajaan Radhe Radhe Govinda.

Chrissy singing and Toby on guitar from Castlemaine Chanting 
Tilopa – Bousouki         Gerard -Tabla

A Wild Lotus Arts Production 

Friday, 17 March 2017

Bhakti Love and the power of the realized

Sometimes you get a podcast or a conversation that stops you in your tracks and you think and think over and over what was said for days and months, not all the time but quietly at the back of your mind.

I was listening to Tapestry on CBC radio and heard Krishna Das a devotee of Neem Keroli Baba. Ram Das was his student too and wrote a very nice book of  stories from the followers  "The Miracle of Love'.

Miracle of Love; PDF

I had read this book whilst in Rishikesh in the 1990's in an ashram by the Ganges and was transfixed by the stories in it of how peoples lives were swept away and healed by the wizardry of Baba.

This podcast by Krishna Das is one such journey and all I can say is that I know how this magic works as it also shaped me and my amazing journey through life after I met my teacher 'Maharaj'.
Life will never be athe same again when one surrenders to the power of love.

Podcast of Krishna Dass


Monday, 13 March 2017

Monthly Kirtan 1st Sunday 'Ma Durga' Praise Supreme Earth Mother

Next Kirtan The Forge 2 April 2017

 Bajaan to Ma Durga

Jaya Jagat Ambe
Maa Durga
Om Narayani Om

Hail to Durga, the mother of the world.Praise Narayani, goddess of compassion

She is 'Prakriti' - living earthly consciousness Divine Earth Mother Goddess Supreme Compassion and love.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Radhe Govinda Bajaan ; Full @ Kirtan Caravanserai The Forge 3 2017

Mirabai a Rajput princess was a ecstatic bhakta, a  Krishna devotee and saint in Hinduism. She was bethrothed to a powerful Local Prince but refused her husband Rana Bhohjraj of Sisodia. She said she was married to Krishna already and despite attempts to assasinate her she remained loyal to Krishna until they finally banished her.  Finally after later living in her parents kingdom which was under seige she went to Vrindavan the home of Krishna where she passed away in the Dwarka temple.

Born1498, Kudki, India
Full nameMeera
SpouseBhoj Raj (m. 1516–1521)

This bajaan is devoted to Krishna.
Radha - krishna's consort 
Gopal- (gopi femminine) cow herder or follower of Krishna the supreme Gopala
A follower / Gopi of Krishna embodies unconditional love.

This is a longer version of the First Kirtan Caravanserai at the Forge.

Musicians Gerard Chrissy Tony and Toby

Monday, 6 March 2017

Kirtan Caravanserai The Forge No 1. 2017

The first Kirtan at the Forge Gerard with Chrissy and Toby from Castlemaine Chanting@ Facebook
was a modest success and a promising start.

We had guests Tony 'Tilopa' Hogan and Briani from Melbourne umbrella group Chant Cartel.

Thanks to all those who came and made it a great day of happiness and spiritual joy.

This is the Sikh mantra Ek onkar and the Hindu mantra Jaya Guru.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Kirtan Caravanserai The Forge March 2017

The Inaugural Kirtan Caravanserai

Thank you everyone to everyone who had a hand in the first Kirtan Caravanserai

Kirtan Caravanserai bursts into orbit with Chrissy, Toby from Castlemaine chanting and Gerard Wild Lotus Artsin the first kirtan Devotional chant of the year at the Forge Yoga Castlemaine. From the peaceful heart felt chanting to the divine exuberance of soaring ecstacy. Space limited book your spot First Sunday Monthly 1100 -1400

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Bajaan List

OM symbol

 1.    Invocation to Shiva
       Namah Parvate Pataye hara hara / Hara hara hara hara Maha deva /
Om Shiva Shankar Maha Deva

2.    Jaya Guru Jaya Guru Jaya Guru Dev  / Om Guru Om Guru Om Gruru Dev (Kashmir Shaivism )

3.    Ek Onkar Sat Nam Sirre wahe Guru  (Sikh tradition)

4.    Once was lost, Now I’m found,
       In my darkness, You were the one,
       Now I’m here, to give your thanks, For what you done
       Gospel style
       Once was lost, Oh Lord                                         Now I’m found, Amen
       In my darkness, Oh Lord                                       You were the one, Amen
       Now I’m here to give your thanks, Oh Lord        For what you done, Amen  (lyrics, song Gerard)

5.    Radhe Radhe Govinda Govinda Radhe   
       Radhe Govinda  Govinda Radhe Gopala Radhe

6.     Om Bhuur-Bhuvah Svah  / Tat-Savitur-Varennyam           (Gayatri mantra)
         Bhargo Devasya Dhiimahi / Dhiyo Yo Nah Pracodayaat

7.     Sri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare Hai Natanarayan Vasudeva
8.     Hari Krishana Hari Rama
9.     Ganesha   Sharanam   Sharanam   Ganesha

10.   Jai Jai Shiva shambho    Jai Shiva shambho                 
         Mahadeva Shambh        Mahadeva Shambho

        Shiva - name of the Creator & destroyer     Jai - exclamation of praise   shambho - abode of joy
        Maha - great  Deva- saint

12.  OM AH HUM  PADME GURU SIDDHE HUM     Tibetan Guru Rimpoche Padma Sambhava

13.  Om Mani Padme hum                                         The jewel in the lotus

14.  Gopala Gopala Devaki Nanda Gopala
        Devaki Nanda Gopala Devaki Nanda Gopala

15   Shri Krishna Jai Jai Shri Rama Jai Jai  Raja Ramana Hari Govinda Jai Jai                                              

16.    Jaya Jagatambe, Ma Durga!      Jaya Jagatambe, Ma Durga!                  Durga Ma mantra
          Om Narayani     Om Narayani 

17.    Ganapati Om Jaya Ganapati Om   
         Ganapati Om Jaya Ganapati Om                                                                  Ganesh mantra
          Ganapatai ye            Ganapatai ye

18.    Samba Sada Shiva x3       Hara Shambo                                                      Shiva mantra
         Hey Girijaavara  x3           Hara Shambo  

         Hey Shiva Shankara  x 3   Hara Shambo

                              Info: Gerard 0407734479