Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Summer Sumie workshop - The Forge

Summer Sumie Workshop 2016 
14 Feb 2015     11.00 to 16.00
Where; The Forge, Castlemaine

Picture; The Fiddler by Gerard Menzel

Zen painting develops slowly and engenders good posture, relaxed breathing, a clear mind and the Zen effortless attitude to a compassionate way. 

The workshop is practical with explanation on the history and philosophy of  Zen and Sumie. Mental awareness and meditation in art will be a focus. Level; beginners to advanced artists.

Cost Earlybird $65 before 07/1/16 
Class fee $75  $65con      Plus Materials $7 or BYO
Pay by online deposit G Menzel Bendigo bank 633 000 120991815 / Postal order Pay G.Menzel C/O Carisbrook GPO 3464

By your enrolment you have agreed to read and acknowledge the terms / liability, indemnity and conditions as read on the site wildlotus-arts.blogspot.com.au

Contact Gerard for booking 0407734479 gmenzel@hotmail.com

Booking Details see wildlotus-arts.blogspot.com.au 

Wild Lotus News

Wild Lotus Arts News                                                                                              No 1 2016 Jan
Wildlotus-arts.blogspot.com.au                                         Wildlotus-healing.blogspot.com.au
Gerard Menzel  mob 0407734479  gmenzel@hotmail.com                               
Thank you to all those who participated in Sumie classes and healing in the first year since I moved from the western district.
Classes and healing locations
This year we have started to do massage and will do classes at The Forge in Castlemaine.
This adds to our existing locations of Carisbrook and Newstead.

Planned Classes

At the Forge we plan to start Aikido for kids women and Adults . Aikido is a non violent martial art which focuses on the spiritual development of the person as well as martial skills. It is totally non violent and works on understanding the principles of Ki or life force harmony

Yoga -
will be offered and the style is HATHA Yoga and I will include Bakti Bajaan devotional singing into the classes

Massage and healing - 
will be at the Forge Castlemaine ,  $35 per 30 min. I will try and set an afternoon like Wed and clients can book in by phone. At the moment Wed is quite free, From 1300

Tai Chi  - 
classes in the Yang style will start and classes are at the Botanical gardens.  If there is interest we can do Chi Kung and Tai Chi at the Forge.
Sumie ; A workshop will be offered on Sun 14 Feb 2016 from 11 to 4 at the Forge 341 Barker st Castlemaine. Book by phone 0407734479

Indian drumming and percussion-
 has been in my life since the 1980s and I have worked with bands and toured to national folk festivals and performed in Adelaide with many Indian singers and artists. If there are any serious persons wanting to learn Tabla or  to generally  play percussion with the djembe or darrabaka I can teach. Where? Carisbrook or the Forge. $35 lesson.

Healing and Feedback

Thanks to all those who have given me feedback on the healing that they felt after massages. It is a great blessing to us all and only happens when we open to the unknown and the new.  Healing is a magical thing and the more and longer I am involved with it the less I really know about how it works. Of course we can have theories and systems but often things work outside those parameters. Let’s see what happens this year as we open to whatever the world offers, remembering that not only the good is good for us, for we learn in many ways and pain can be a lightning to the soul.  ......Gerard

I Ching Ancient book of Change

I-Ching Chinese book of Change Readings
I Ching is the ancient book of divination used to aid in making important life changing decisions and planning for events.  We use coins and throw them 6 times and then consult the book after asking a question. The question should be clear and simple For example ; Should I travel to Paris on 16 August to see my family? The book works of the laws of synchronicity, that is all thoughts, actions and points connect in the universe and these points are affected by the law of Yin and Yang.

Gerard has been studying the I ching for many years and consulted in Adelaide. He brings with him years of intense study of Aikido and the teachings of Aiki as well as living in Japan and in various countries all over Asia. He also is a Tai Chi instructor and believes in the power of Taoist learning.

Cost $50 Usually btw 30 and 45min 

Where Carisbrook, Castlemaine , Newstead areas