Monday, 21 September 2015

Spring Sumi E Day Workshop 2015

A mouth full of ZEN
Zen Brush  Painting
Sumie Intensive ; Spring Term intro.
Sun 29 / Nov 2015         
Time 1100 – 16.30
Earlybird $65 before 22/11 
Full fee $75  $65con
Materials $7 or BYO Full Kit $75
Where; Newstead Library oopp. Primary school Main st / Pyrenees Hyw.
Venue;  Google  Maps  Newstead Library RTC                                                       

Workshop with Gerard Menzel artist
Sumie ( black ink on rice paper) is a beautiful way to paint nature and the world in all its beauty & grace as we see the world in a different Zen light, where the subjects essence or "kami" spirit is depicted. Zen painting is an artform and a way of living and breathing through the world. The class will cover Zen insights, Sumie as Meditation and art practice,
the Zen way of painting and observation, Zen as philosophy or religion.  Regular Sumie classes will be available in the Newstead area in spring.

The origin of Sumie dates back to the Southern School of Chinese Zen painting and it was transplanted to Japan by Esai and Dogen. Used to train the mind, it is one of the "Zen arts" including ikebana and Shodo.

The practice of painting is akin to Zen training of the mind body and senses.

Materials $7 or BYO. 

Local Artist Gerard Menzel studied with Andre Sollier and taught, exhibited in Australia and overseas as well as lived and studied Aikido in Japan.

Gerard Mob 0407734479 

Where Newstead area
Pre book; Save $10 ph.Gerard 0407734479 or email
Pay by online deposit G Menzel Bendigo bank 633 000 128569274
Pay/ Postal order G.Menzel C/O Carisbrook GPO 3464
Cost 1 day $65 earlybird by 7 days prior to class  
Full Price $75 $65con (materials Not included) $7 hire or BYO

Materials $7 or BYO materials. To order a sumie kit before class call/sms Gerard 0407734479
Whats in a kit? See Sumie Materials tag on this page
A Planned Term is set to follow @ Newstead library RTC   


In october 2015 we had our workshop here. The Station Gallery Newstead  

Location and Directions