Friday, 19 December 2014

Shikoku: Kobo Daishi and Zentsuji

In 2002 I was fortunate enough to work at Shikoku Gakuen University in the tiny city of Zentsuji.  The latter being the birthplace of the famous Zen monk 'Kobo Daishi'.

The temple is a beautiful place infused with spirit and life.  I daily practiced meditation in the gardens and played Tai Chi. Like most temples it sells religious trinkets but has also a wonderful wood pagoda and in the spring season the priests throw mochi cakes from high up to the throngs waiting underneath. If one catches a mochi cake its good luck.

Here is a link to the temple and Kobo Daishi. (also known as Kukai)

If you would like to read about the island I suggest Japanese Pilgrmage by Oliver Statler

Below is the temple Zentsuji at dawn.